We hold a free open course on the linux operating system, as a form of our support for open source. We also open an exclusive paid service class on the linux operating system.
Free Courses
Free Course is one of the supports for you in using our software. "Maintain harmony in teaching. Download pentester <<Hack|Track GNU/Linux operating system, used in class and materials" other distributions are not allowed. Why? because of course this aims to support users in using this distribution.
Currently under construction and not yet available.
0/20 Person
Material presented in this course.
[Free] a. Ethics in using <<Hack|Track GNU/Linux distro software.
[Free] b. Menu category introduction.
01 Information Gathering
02 Vulnerability Analysis
03 Exploitation Tools
04 Wireless Attacks
05 Forensics Tools
06 Web Applications
07 Stress Testing
08 Sniffing & Spoofing
09 Password Attacks
10 Maintaining Access
11 Hardware Hacking
12 Reverse Engineering
13 Reporting Tools
14 Extra Tools
15 Accessosies Tools
16 System Tools
[Free] a. Basic commands linux usage terminal interface.
[Free] b. Mate desktop environment basic usage.
Requirements to take this course.
1. Indonesian citizens
2. Google classroom account for material
3. Telegram account for discussion
4. Seriousness participating in writing reports
"Maintain harmony in teaching. Download pentester <<Hack|Track GNU/Linux operating system,
used in classes and materials" other distros are not allowed. Why ? because this course aims to support users in using this distro.
Paid Courses
We provide paid courses, by professional mentors in their fields with a HackTrack Linux environment.
Currently under construction and not yet available.
0/10 Person
We provide paid courses, by professional mentors in their fields with a HackTrack Linux environment.
EC-SIGA - HTGL specialist Information Gathering
EC-SVAN - HTGL specialist Vulnerability Analysis
EC-SETO - HTGL specialist Exploitation Tools
EC-SWAT - HTGL specialist Wireless Attacks
EC-SFTO - HTGL specialist Forensics Tools
EC-SWAP - HTGL specialist Web Applications
EC-SSTE - HTGL specialist Stress Testing
EC-SSPO - HTGL specialist Sniffing & Spoofing
EC-SPAT - HTGL specialist Password Attacks
EC-SMAC - HTGL specialist Maintaining Access
EC-SHHA - HTGL specialist Hardware Hacking
EC-SREN - HTGL specialist Reverse Engineering
EC-SRTO - HTGL specialist Reporting Tools
[Currently under construction and not yet available.